Anyway, I popped by EOY for an hour last week, mostly met up with some friends there and chatted for abit before taking off. Took a look at the booths but there weren't really anything that interest me other than the BonJapan booth. Foooood! Anyway, it's good that they sold some reasonably priced food and drinks given there arn't exactly any food or drink stalls around (there was a food cart/truck I saw outside, but I didn't check it out). I took the shuttle bus there cause I have no other idea how to go there -.-;
Overall, I'd say Marina Barrage is a pretty good location for photographs... when there's not any people around. The weather was not bad and the lighting turned out really well. Anyway, here's some pics from that day~
Gelly! She looks cute with any short wig! Our Amazing Alois!
My long lost primary school friend omg. Sam :D The last time we met was in primary school lol. She was with Gelly and this Misty cosplayer. Amusingly, we used to talk about
Pokemon all the time back then.
Jean-no, my awesome cosplay partner! She was performing that day but I couldn't stay to watch T^T
Fail camwhore with Kiti and Yiki =3
Sora has Alpacas! The fluffy stuff that's the newest Japan mascot character craze here I think .____.
They're kinda cute I guess. I only kinda like the one with the eyepatch :P
There were tons of cosplayers, some pretty good ones but I didn't shoot much since I didn't have much time.
Trunks from Dragonball
And Invinc smokin' up a lollipop
Did afew random shots with JY, and that's about it.

This sums up my really short visit to EOY. Hope to be able to attend the event properly next year!
Yay! Random shots~~
ReplyDeleteThanks for the shots (: