Spotted a Kuma (Persona 4 / ペルソナ 4) keychain on someone's bag at school today! The bag was two tables away from mine, can't believe I even noticed it. It seems like I keep finding Persona stuff everywhere I go 8D
Sigh, blogging really reminds me of how much my English has deteriorated. I seriously need to read. There's quite many books on my want-to-read list at the moment, hopefully I'll get to read them soon.
Here's a quick sketch I did today in school. So far I've managed to keep my promise to myself of practicing everyday. We'll see where this is heading soon (:
ARCS class today was good. Recieved good comments for our presentation. I think our flow of presentation wasn't as good as the other groups, but it was straight to the point which served it's purpose. I think when it comes to presentations, most people tend to want to be the ones to present the most memorable one, but I feel that we must always remember that presentations are to communicate information. I remember creating the most eye catching powerpoint slides in primary and secondary school just to grab the audience's attention, but now I really do see presentations in a different light.
Well, that's all for today,
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