saturday 12th April 2008.
Me, Nat Nah & Sarah went to esplanade to catch the matinee show of WWRY and we were blown away! Especially with MiG's (Galileo Figaro) powerful vocals combined with the Queen songs. We booked real early so managed to get quite good seats, for student price, 5 rows away from the stage and right in the center!! The ensemble was great as well! and not forgetting Sivan (Scaramouch) and Annie Crummer (Killer Queen)! I think Sivan is the best Scaramouch compared to those others I saw on youtube, for most of them, their voices sound a tad too whiny for me. Even for Neels (Khashoggi), I liked the way he took off the shades when Killer Queen critised him for that. His startled expression was so good! and MiG's "backward dance" was so cool! Absolutely love Sivan's and MiG's and Annie's acting!!! and of course, their vocals too!!!
for me, I loved MiG's vocals so much I went on internet to search & view & listen to every bit of MiG info I could find that night(= and through that, got to know about meeting MiG!=D
within the week
went to buy MiG's album & the Killer Queen tee to wear in meeting the cast and to get the cd autographed!! =D chatted nearly everyday about WWRY & MiG!
come saturday 19th April 2008.
after finding out that we could meet MiG from the forums, Me, Nat Nah & Sarah decided to go meet MiG! there we meet a few others, "sticksandstones" Debbie! who was also on the forum, and Julia and a few others! So, Debbie , Julia & I were there from around late 3, and the rest came soon after.. we stayed till around 7.30 and it was the best experience ever! We managed to get all of the main casts autographs with the exception of Annie's as she hurt her leg and wasn't there that day. Get well soon Annie!!! =( It was quite awkward at first, cause some of the cast were comming out or their brak and they just walked by us so fast we didn't dare to stop them for autographs! Though, after meeting MiG, we warmed up abit and started to be daring enough to ask the casts that went by us (cause we were sitting there XD). haha! and we made sure we caught the casts who went by us earlier for autographs. XD MiG really really is the nicest person ever and so are the cast! I shall specially mention Carly (Oz), as she asked us who we have not met and smsed them to come out for us!! So sweet!! It was quite funny though, cause when we saw her, we knew ahe was part of the cast but we just couldnt place who she was! That's cause she was wearing the thing to hide her hair for the wig Oz wears. haha, so she we asked her if we could have her autograph, and looking at our experssions, she said " but you got to tell me which one I am first!" and we were like..."Errrr" hahaha.. and she said " I'm Oz" and we were so so omg! you look so different! And you so should see our expressions when MiG came out!!! =DDD! haha! and I think, it was Grace that asked him how to do the "backwards dance" and he said that it was a secret and he had to "shoot you if I show you" lol! and then we were piling him with stuff to autograph, the programmes, his album, sarah's bear, and if I'm not wrong, Debbie's WWRY shirt! then then then, magazine people who were interviewing him inside the lobby earlier asked us all to take a photo with MiG!! and I think they're gonna post it in the magazine, which, again, if i'm not wrong is "Pop" =DD!!! We all were going around taking photos with MiG! we also took photos with the other casts members who we got autographs from, and even some of the ensmble! We are probably gonna go back again to get Annie's autograph,and I really want to get the muscial director's and Nick(the guitarist)'s autograph! In fact, I really want eveyones autograph!!! Best of luck to us when we go again! It was really terrificlly extremely a super memoriable experience!!! Sivan ( scaramouch), Neels (Khashoggi), Stephen (Victoria Beckham), and Malcolm (Pop) came out when Carly messaged them, and I'd really like to thank them again for comming out just for us!!! We also met Edwin( Assistant Musical Director!!!), Etienne (Percussionist!) and Llewellyn (Bassist!)!! As for now, Debbie, Julia, Nat Nah and me should be going back again!! Omg, I so can't wait!! I want to see MiG again! and think I'll get him ot autograph another item too =P hehe. hope he dosent mind our craziness!! but so far from the fourm, (there's someone that knows MiG there!!!!) I think he loves the attention, and he loves to meet fans! =D can't wait!!
Me, MiG Ayesa (Galileo Figaro) & Nat Nah =DD
My autographed programme!!!
Autographed MiG cd! =D
Sarah, Me, Sivan (Scaramouch) & Julia =D
Me, Sarah, Carly(Oz!) & Debbie
Carly's autograph!
Me, Sarah, Stephen (Victoria Beckham) & Julia
Debbie, Sarah, Me with Malcolm Terrey(Pop) *btw, there's another malcolm in the ensemble =P
Me, Sarah, Neels (Khashoggi) & Debbie =D
ooopps. people are chasing me for the post! more eyecandy later!=P argh, btw, MiG's album is on heavy roation on my playlist now =) Love his other song "one sunset at a time" as well!
*updated: actually, here's one thing I really have to say. Those of you that know me well would have far by known that I have never actually found a male singer I would call my favourite, but when I heard MiG's voice, I know he was the one! My first ever favourite male solo singer!lol!I have liked many different female singers & bands and groups along the way, but MiG really hits it for a guy singer!! He just caught my ears and I KNOW I will be looking foreward to hearing more of his music!
**Credits to Debbie & Julia for the photos! thanks so much!! and to Scaramouch from MiG's forum,thanks for everything!=D**
oh,and I cant wait for the next "pop" magazine to look for our photo! =P
continued pictures...
Etienne (percussionist), Nat Nah, Sarah, Me, Llewellyn(Bassist)
Me, Sarah, Malcolm Coombes(ensemble) & Debbie!
Me, Ivan (ensemble) & Debbie
Sarah, Me, Edwin(Assistant Music Director!!!) & Debbie
Me & Lara (ensemble)
Sarah, Jeremiah (ensemble) & Me!
Sarah's autographed WWRY teddy!! just haddd to post this up mans!
**update: again! I just remembered Sivan asking Sarah what the bear's name was and Sarah said she didn't know yet..If I'm not wrong I remember saying that she should call it Scaramouch!hahahaXD well,if I remember anything else important i'll edit again~
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