Nike +10km run thingy. Boyslikegirls! =D
hahaha so yesh, I managed to sneak in.
not like I didn't want to pay or anything, but you can't just buy tickets to go in....
so, well, I don't sneak in without a good reason ^_^
haha anyway, argh I recorded the whole set...
except..I foun great escape to be cut off!!
argh! damn pissed. I remb recording the whole thing!!!!
but still, at least that I even got to go in and watch the whole thing live is really good =)
and yes! with the new camera!
Though some parts video abit blur, cause I tried to zoom 13x with videoing and realized that I cant.
oh well. still have stuff to learn for this new cam.
oh before that, I was siting on the grass taking photos of the stage lights. I have no idea why, but I'm damn attracted to stage lights. & outdoor stages. I think stages in general.
Like it calls out to me 8D~~
oh yeah, was looking at the lyrics physically, & saw a video on the meaning of the song and all...
I really like the thing of it.
maybe it's like cause of the o's and the thing that, you'll never be small and have to wear uniforms and go to small school.
it's like half a step into the world already...

oh also after looking physically at the lyrics of Panic At The Disco's songs, I'm like a bigger fan now! :D
* someone remind me to buy earplugs, or my ears are gonna die soon with the many many concert/BiG stage stuffs.
anyway. more boyslikegirls tomorrow! :D