HEY people. I
moved back to blogger. but I will still post here yeah! and my locked entries will still be posted her since the locking here is easier.(:
Today. ROCKED!
met: ISA, Sarah, Jia ning & Zhiqi!
went to kbox in the afternoon, then brought that few who have not been to Kbox there! So fun! Oh yeah, then I saw Andy pass by our room afew times! I think he looked inside once, but by the time I waved we walked by alrdy. oh well. Oh! and I have to say this, THERE IS BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY IN KBOX!! We did sing it! Love it too bits! Also, after this, alrdy worn my voice out quite abit.
oh oh yeah! I want to mention this. We saw this little boy's mother abusing the child in the mrt. so freaky. Cause the child wandered away for awhile, then when the mother found him, she just whacked his head really hard, then pushed him to make him fall in the moving mrt, then dragged him up by one hand. I think everyone around is was seriously shocked. how in the world can people do such things???!! I mean, if you want to make the child learn, at least don't whack his head! the child was really little. think toddler. still walking unsteadily. scary.
Then went to Plaza Sing to collect the tickets from 987. We were in theatre 5, same as Grace, Ros, Debbie and her friend. Deb's friend and Ros won stuff! So cool! lol. They were all yelling to answer the Qs, while I was like "CHOOSE THEM!!!! PICK THEM!!PICK THEM!!!" pointing to them. lol! Anw, super fun! the back people were jumping and all and Sarah and ISA and me wanted to too, but then the people behind us weren't standing so if we did we would block them. Then halfway this whole group ran to the front, so I was like " go go go! go down!" lol then the 3 of us ran down while jia ning &zhiqi stayed. So there was like, the back rows and the front row! FUN though! But now my legs are aching like hell! haha! Gotta prepare for the 2 days of Singfest anyway, so this is not bad.

argh! jia ning got cut out!! Oops!

Oh yeah, the DJs Shan and Ros were there! Got a pic with Shan! Ros was in a hurry and took a last pic with Deb, so I didn't push for a pic. Was too slow to get autographs though. Argh. I need a new bag. Was trying to keep my things from falling out at the same time cause my bag has a little hole, so it slowed me down abit.
After that went with Debbie and her friend to Sembawang and bougth the dvd+cd!

Then after, they left, and we went to Istana Park to take pics! haha, I need to drag them out more often! and go pic taking!
{today's pics.
lol. we were trying to do the headphone thing. But it turned out funny! looks like we're emo-ing or something. XD
and another of ISA. I love this pic!! ISA looks really cool in pics! like she has her own personality in the look.(:
sneakers ROCK!
that's all ]
- pics by me. my pic with Shan by Deb! (: -